

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Learning to pottery blog

Today I learned to blog-is that the right term? Although not a technophobe I do believe most times 'its good to talk' as a rather outdated TV commercial once said. That said I am hoping that by embracing the latest social technology I can make contact with all those like myself who enjoy or have a passion for pottery and its making. Who knows it might be the start of a wider circle of friends?

My love for pottery has lasted over 30 years ever since I was introduced to the making of pottery 30 years ago. The decline in large scale pottery making over that time in the UK has been immense but it has left us still with a very rich heritage and many smaller but specialised potteries making everything from door knobs to large garden ceramics. Clearly there is still a lot of talent in the UK both in terms of design and making! If you are one of those or just starting up in pottery I'd be interested in your thoughts on the future of UK pottery plc!

More information on ceramics can be found at my website